The two most widespread reasons why you should get a web server of your own are when a shared web hosting account is unable to handle the load of the Internet sites hosted in it or if the sites demand certain software to be running on the machine, but it cannot be installed on a shared server. In these scenarios you can get your own server, but this also means that you will be responsible for its maintenance, which isn't the case with a shared website hosting server where the provider does everything. In this light, we've developed a Managed Services upgrade, which could be added to any one of our hosting server plans if you do not have the time or the expertise to handle your machine. Our system administrators shall set up and troubleshoot software, update your Operating System and much more so as to provide you with the chance to focus on creating your websites instead of addressing various maintenance tasks.

Managed Services Package in VPS Web Hosting

If you decide to sign up for one of our virtual private servers plans, you'll be able to add the Managed Services upgrade either during the order process or anytime later through your billing CP and renew it for so long as you need it along with the virtual private server monthly payments. In case this upgrade is active for your plan, we shall keep weekly backups the whole content which you have on the server, so if anything fails after some update, for example, we could restore the virtual private server they way it was. Our admins shall also keep close track of the machine all the time and if a problem appears, they'll solve it or will restart the machine. The upgrade includes thirty minutes of custom work, which is ample for most tasks - setting up and troubleshooting third-party software you want to use or which does not run adequately. In addition, we'll also keep your OS up-to-date to make sure that your hosting server remains safe and stable at all times.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We offer the Managed Services upgrade with all our Linux dedicated servers hosting and if you determine that you need it, you can add it on the order page or via your billing area with only several mouse clicks. You may also decide if you will use it once or for a considerable time period since it shall not be locked to your dedicated web server plan. The Managed Services upgrade includes fifty gigabytes of backup space to guarantee that we can restore any critical info you may have if anything fails, 24/7 server monitoring and rebooting when required, OS updates to guarantee the safe and stable operation of your Internet sites as well as installing and troubleshooting any third-party application that you would like to use on the hosting server. You'll be able to save quite a bit of time and efforts with this upgrade since you will get timely help from our experienced system admins every time you need it.