Guaranteed RAM in VPS Web Hosting
All our virtual private server packages feature a set amount of RAM. Simply put, even when you use just a fraction of the resources your package deal includes, we shall never allot the free resources to a different VPS account on the very same physical server. As we set up only a few virtual servers on a physical one, the latter shall always have plenty of free memory to guarantee the appropriate functioning of all VPS accounts even in case that their RAM allocation is upgraded significantly at some time. In case you also decide to upgrade your plan or to keep the active one and to incorporate just more memory, the new amount shall also be reserved just for your account. This way, we make certain that your web sites will function correctly constantly no matter what the other VPS accounts are using.
Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The amount of RAM that comes with every single dedicated server which we supply is big enough even for really resource-demanding web apps. The memory will be readily available for your sites and all other software you install on the web server at all times, so even when at some point you use a fraction of the resources you have, we shall never alter the hardware configuration which you have ordered. All of the parts are subjected to testing before the hosting server is constructed, including the RAM sticks, to guarantee that you will get a flawlessly operating machine that can ensure the best possible efficiency for your sites. The amount of physical memory you have shall be listed together with the full web server configuration specifications within your billing Control Panel.